Feedback profile - BrianReefer

Feedback summary

Feedback score
3 (+3 /0 /-0)
Positive feedback (last 12 months)
Received as seller
Received as buyer
I am a buyer posting feedback on BrianReefer as seller
Great seller! Even helped after the sale to get me up and running. Would buy from again.
I am a seller posting feedback on BrianReefer as buyer
Great person to deal with, awesome collection, and Brian is a genuine and wholesome person, had a great conversion too. Would definitely recommend, either as a seller or a buyer!
Classified ad: For sale SPS: SC OP, WWC heartbreaker
I am a buyer posting feedback on BrianReefer as seller
A+ seller, Buy with confidence! Big healthy frags, good deals too. I will definitely be buying again from Brian.
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