Personal Experience Neptune Apex and CoralVue Hydros: Personal Opinion and Experience

Great article, although I wish it were more cut and dry… like to buy one and not the other! I’m having trouble choosing!
Great review!! Cheers
You mentioned that you choose the Hydro over the Apex due to the Leak Detection Cost. The Apex comes with a port where you can wirer in 6 open/closed switch circuits, all of which can be a leak detector.
Thank you for the in-depth review, Being a complete Nerd who coded on a commodore 64 I feel comfortable with coding the Apex. My concern is definitely the reliability since I hear mixed reviews. That being said although I have my hesitation I must say I feel like the Apex might give me more fine-tuning of the overall testing/dosing/remote control aspects.

I'm actually considering apex for Sump items such as clarisea 5000, Octo dc Skimmer, Chaeto & Media Reactors, and return pumps while using the Hydro wave product for all the display tank flow, thoughts on that?

They say on the hydro page that they work well together
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Thank you for the 5 stars. That means a lot to me.

I like the idea of running both controllers. Particularly if you’re running a lot coralvue pumps the hydros will be a great.
On the other hand you’ll be dropping some extra $$ you could pack into one of the controllers or even corals!

You could get into redundancy for alarms if running both.
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