Articles by Scott Fellman

Scott Fellman
6 min read
4.75 star(s) 8 ratings
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We’ve talked so much about the “high-biodiversity” approach to reef keeping that I personally find so compelling (and apparently, so do you), that I thought it might be good to take a moment and give some thought to the kinds of habitats we could actually mimic in our approach to trying to...
Scott Fellman
9 min read
4.75 star(s) 8 ratings
Re-thinking the past…and using it to shape the future. Not a bad thing, right? One of the coolest things about our hobby is the amazing progression over the years in both the state of the art and the technology that we embrace. Improvements that have enabled us to do things previously thought...
Scott Fellman
12 min read
4.70 star(s) 10 ratings
MISSION: 2018 I’ve certainly spent enough time talking abstract philosophy of late, right? While I’m pleased with the level of discussion, I think it’s time to talk about ways to run a more biologically diverse reef system in 2018. With all of the cool gear around, to me it’s actually more...
Scott Fellman
7 min read
4.80 star(s) 10 ratings
Definitely the weirdest title I've ever come up with! It’s been a lot of fun to mix it up here and chat with some many of you over the past few weeks. It’s been a great exchange of ideas, philosophy, and camaraderie,and I couldn’t be happier. In fact, this lively atmosphere has gotten the...
Scott Fellman
7 min read
4.97 star(s) 29 ratings
It’s kind of funny to me how the same sorts of topics and issues keep popping up in the hobby world. Now two years removed from the business end of the reef world, I can see with a bit more clarity some of the happenings and trends in the hobby. And, talking to aquarists of all types daily, I am...
Scott Fellman
5 min read
4.38 star(s) 8 ratings
As some of you might know, I’ve done a little “pivot” away from the business end of the reef hobby world, to focus on my other aquatic obsession, blackwater aquariums. Doesn’t mean I’ve abandoned reefkeeping. Nope. Just put my business focus on a different challlenge. It was funny, when I...