Author list

I have been keeping marine tanks since the mid 70's. I had to take a break while serving Uncle Sam, but when I retired in the early 90's, I owned and operated a large LFS. It was the largest retailer of marine life in the mid-west for a while and I owned it at the time the reefing hobby was...
Rich Shashaty has been in the marine aquarium hobby for a mere 7 months. He has a strong passion for all animals and finally decided to take the plunge into saltwater aquariums. Rich makes sure to take every step possible to ensure the proper health and care for his fish and corals. He plans to...
Tara has been an avid hobbyist since setting up her first aquarium in 1995. She keeps both freshwater and saltwater aquariums and is passionate about wrasses. She enjoys reading about wrasses, studying their behavior, and writing about their captive care.
My name is Scott Fellman, and I’m the consummate “fish nerd/entrepreneur/provacateur!" I’ve been keeping freshwater and marine aquariums since I was a kid, and during that time, I have maintained all sorts of aquariums, fish bowls, plastic boxes, and just about anything that can hold water. My...
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